Monday, February 15, 2010

Event #3

I was so excited to see this event. Pick one drawer in your kitchen, I selected my junk drawer, and declutter whatever items you don't need. I spent a few minutes taking everything out of the drawer (including 26 cents that I gave to ds12), separated the items into: throw away, put away, return to the drawer, and what-in-the-world-IS-this.

In addition to the last group, I found a strange variety of things, including: 4 green candy canes, the back to a remote control, and a pencil that had been gnawed on. Needles to say, I threw the pencil away, stashed the candy canes for my next need-sugar-now day, and put the back of the remote into the drawer until I can figure out where it belongs.

Now, THAT'S progress!


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